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Trash Free Texas

Trash Free Texas

trash free texas logo

Trash Free Texas is a statewide citizen science volunteer network collectively run by multiple organization in the state, including the Watershed Services Division at the Meadows Center. The network aims to connect people to places in need of trash and litter cleanup as well as spread awareness of the impacts of litter. Trash Free Texas maintains a comprehensive Adopt-A-Spot map that provides volunteers with the opportunity of adopting high need areas that are prone to litter and trash all over the state of Texas.

Litter is a far-reaching problem posing threats to human health and safety as well as wildlife and the environment. Litter can get into our local waterways and eventually reach the Gulf of Mexico. It is a priority to prevent litter from reaching our waterways and remove it while it is still on land.

Texas Stream Team’s Role in Trash Free Texas

Texas Stream Team citizen scientist help keep our waterways clean by cleaning up trash at their monitoring site and documenting any trash collection on their Environmental Monitoring Form. Even picking up a little bit of trash at your monitoring site each month can go a long way!

Contact Information
