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Robert Mace, Ph.D.Mace, Ph.D.RobertExecutive Director & Professor of Practice, Department of GeographyEmail: 245-6021
Robert Mace is the Executive Director and Chief Water Policy Officer at The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment and a Professor of Practice in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at Texas State University. Robert has over 30 years of experience in water resources and policy.
Before joining Texas State University in 2017, Robert worked at the Texas Water Development Board for 18 years, ending his career there as the Deputy Executive Administrator for the Water Science & Conservation office. While at the Board, Robert worked on understanding groundwater and surface-water resources in Texas, advancing water conservation and innovative water technologies such as desalination, aquifer storage and recovery, reuse, and rainwater harvesting; regional and state water planning; and protecting Texans from floods. Prior to joining the Texas Water Development Board, Robert worked for nine years at the Bureau of Economic Geology at The University of Texas at Austin as a hydrologist and research scientist.
Robert has a B.S. in Geophysics, an M.S. in Hydrology from the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, and a Ph.D. in Hydrogeology from The University of Texas at Austin. He published a book on groundwater sustainability in 2022 and is currently working on a book about water resources and climate change.
Andrew Sansom, Ph.D.Sansom, Ph.D.AndrewFounder & Professor of Practice, Department of GeographyEmail: 245-9201
Andrew Sansom is one of Texas’ leading conservationists. He is a former Executive Director of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and Executive Director of the Texas Nature Conservancy. For his commitment to the management and protection of natural resources, Dr. Sansom is a recipient of the Chevron Conservation Award, The Chuck Yeager Award from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, The Pugsley Medal from the National Park Foundation, the Seton Award from the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Nature Conservancy. He is a Distinguished Alumnus of Austin College and Texas Tech University.
Under his leadership at the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Dr. Sansom spearheaded a number of significant programs, including:
- Founding the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation
- Adding over 500,000 acres to the State Parks and Wildlife Management Areas
- Creating two nationally recognized aquatic facilities, which include hatcheries, research laboratories, educational centers, and aquariums.
- Initiating an aggressive program to introduce urban children to nature and the outdoors
Dr. Sansom has dedicated his life to environmental conservation. He has served on the Board of Trustees of the Texas Historical Foundation, Bat Conservation International, KLRU Public Television in Austin, The National Audubon Society, The Institute of Nautical Archaeology, and The Texas Travel Industry Association. He joined the staff of the National Recreation and Park Association in Washington, D.C., in l969. He served as Environmental Coordinator for the White House Conference on Youth, Special Assistant to Secretary of Interior Rogers C.B. Morton, Director of Conservation Education at the Federal Energy Administration, and Deputy Director of the Energy Institute at the University of Houston.
His published works have appeared in Texas Monthly, The Texas Observer, Houston City Magazine, Politics Today, Texas Highways, Texas Parks and Wildlife, and Texas Town and City. He is the author of five books: Texas Lost, Texas Past, Scout the Christmas Dog, Water In Texas, Southern Plains Bison, and Resurrection of the Lost Texas Herd.
Andrew Sansom now serves as Research Professor of Geography and Founder of The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment at Texas State University, where he coordinates university policy and research related to freshwater resources, manages the headwaters of the San Marcos River; administers the most extensive freshwater environmental education program in Texas; and supervises the training and coordination of more than 1000 volunteer water monitors in rivers and streams throughout the State. -
Carrie Thompson, M.P.A.Thompson, M.P.A.CarrieDirector of OperationsEmail: 777-1918
Carrie Thompson is the Director of Operations at The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment. Carrie is a recognized leader in natural resource administration, stakeholder partnerships and creative, solutions-oriented conservation delivery. With a multi-disciplinary background in the physical and biological sciences, conflict resolution, and natural resources policy and administration, she has served in leadership roles for - and as technical advisor to - stakeholders, Federal agencies and state, local, and tribal governments in some of the nations most complex environmental challenges.
Carrie’s previous professional roles include that of Managing Principal for Water Table Consulting, LLC, Senior Program Manager and Freshwater Sector Lead for the U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution, Associate Director for Freshwater Protection for The Nature Conservancy in Texas, and fifteen years with the US Fish and Wildlife Service as an Administrator and Biologist, specializing in conservation partnerships (particularly those involving endangered species, water, private land and agricultural interests).
Carrie is a North Texas native and earned her Masters of Public Service and Administration and Natural Resource Management from the George Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University, where she also earned a Bachelor of Science in Geography/Environmental Science.
Rob Dussler, Ph.D.Dussler, Ph.D.RobChief Education Officer, Director of Spring Lake EducationEmail: 245-6151
Dr. Rob Dussler earned his B.S. degree in Psychology from Saint Edward’s University, his M.Ed. degree in Outdoor Education Administration from Georgia College and State University, and his Ph.D. in Recreation and Leisure Studies from the University of Georgia.
Dr. Dussler developed the Bachelor of Science degree program in Outdoor Leadership at Young Harris College and has over 30 years of experience teaching and leading outdoor education programs.
Dr. Dussler currently serves as the Chief Education Officer and Director of Spring Lake Operations at The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment at Texas State University. In this capacity, he oversees the operations, programming, and research for the education program, which sees 120,000 visitors annually. His research interests include mindfulness, nature connection, and interpretation.
Miranda Wait, M.S.Wait, M.S.MirandaDeputy Director of Spring Lake EducationEmail: 245-7557
Miranda Wait has worked for the Meadows Center since 2006. She oversees the on-site educational programming at Spring Lake, including TEKS-aligned field trips, the historical glass-bottom boat tours, and recreational eco-tours. Her programs see over 95,000 visitors annually, with over 25,000 school-aged children attending field trips. Miranda employs 60-100 Texas State University students each year, teaching them how to be effective interpreters when trying to teach about the importance of water conservation and land stewardship.
Her educational background is in biology, with an emphasis on wildlife ecology. She has her Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Biology and Exercise Sports Science from Texas State University and graduated with her Master of Science in Wildlife Ecology in 2023, where she focused her research on the impacts of learning about science out of the classroom on student’s interest in science, STEM, and the environment. She has a passion for getting kids and adults outdoors. Miranda is on the board of the Texas Informal Science Educators Association and is currently serving her second three-year term. She is also on the San Marcos Visitor Center and Convention Bureau board and serves as the river advocate.
Jenna Walker, M.A.Geo.Walker, M.A.Geo.JennaDirector of Watershed ServicesEmail: 245-9148
As the Director of the Watershed Services, Jenna Walker oversees several multi-year, grant-funded research initiatives, including the Texas General Land Office-sponsored Clean Coast Texas initiative, a Texas Hill Country groundwater/surface water interaction research series, the Cypress Creek Watershed Protection Plan, and the Texas Commission for Environmental Quality-sponsored Texas Stream Team – an award-winning, statewide community science program designed to educate and empower the public to support watershed protection efforts and foster community-based partnerships.
Jenna’s previous professional roles include several leadership positions in regional watershed protection and legislative work for municipal, state, and non-governmental organizations. She also has over ten years of experience working as a senior manager for a multinational corporation and as an educator in Central Texas and Cuenca, Ecuador. Jenna has been recognized as an emerging leader within the water sector, including by the Texas Water Foundation and the City of Waco, and as an Aspen Ideas Festival Fellow. She earned a Master of Applied Geography in Resource and Environmental Studies from Texas State University and a bachelor’s from Texas A&M University. Jenna is a 7th-generation Texan and the mother of 2 young children.
Aspen Navarro, M.S.Navarro, M.S.AspenDeputy Director of Watershed ServicesEmail: 245-7376
Timothy Bonner, Ph.D.Bonner, Ph.D.TimothyChief Science Officer & Meadows Endowed Professor in Aquatic Resources, Department of BiologyEmail: 245-3549
Tom Heard, M.S.Heard, M.S.TomDeputy Director, Ecological Research GroupEmail: 245-3553
Soe Myint, Ph.D.Myint, Ph.D.SoeChief Conservation Officer & Meadows Endowed Chair in Water Conservation, Department of GeographyEmail: 245-0382
Regina Allen, M.S.Allen, M.S.ReginaAdministrative AssistantEmail: 245-9201
Claudia Campos, B.S.Campos, B.S.ClaudiaAdministrative and Outreach Specialist, Watershed ServicesEmail: 245-7551
Collin Garoutte, M.S.Garoutte, M.S.CollinWildlife & Fisheries Biologist, Ecological Research GroupEmail: 245-3553
Priscilla Hernandez, CTCDHernandez, CTCDPriscillaProcurement Specialist(512) 245-7420
Desiree Jackson, M.S.Jackson, M.S.DesireeScience & Stakeholder Engagement SpecialistEmail:
Christina Lopez, Ph.D.Lopez, Ph.D.ChristinaHuman-Environment Research Scientist, Watershed ServicesEmail: 245-0955
Boling Li, Ph.D.Li, Ph.D.BolingRun to R1 Post-Doctoral Research ScholarEmail:
Emily Lorkovic, M.S.Lorkovic, M.S.EmilyWildlife & Fisheries Biologist, Ecological Research GroupEmail:
Sam MasseyMasseySamGlass-Bottom Boats Manager, Spring Lake EducationEmail: 245-7590
Erica Jane Meier, M.S.Meier, M.S.Erica JaneAdministrative Assistant II, Spring Lake EducationEmail: 245-7550
Laura Parchman, B.A.Parchman, B.A.LauraGIS & Data Specialist, Watershed ServicesEmail: 245-3461
Patti Pulis, B.B.A.Pulis, B.B.A.PattiOffice AdministratorEmail: 245-4490
Bess Price, M.S.Price, M.S.BessEducation Manager, Spring Lake EducationEmail: 245-7590
Christopher Riggins, B.S.Riggins, B.S.ChristopherWildlife & Fisheries Biologist, Ecological Research GroupEmail:
Susana Thomas, CTCM, CTCDThomas, CTCM, CTCDSusanaAssistant Business ManagerEmail: 245-7435
Nicky Vermeersch, M.S.Vermeersch, M.S.NickyWater Quality Specialist, Watershed ServicesEmail:
Sarah Wingfield, B.A.Wingfield, B.A.SarahDigital Media SpecialistEmail:
Icen Yoosefdoost, Ph.D.Yoosefdoost, Ph.D.IcenWater Resource Coordinator, Watershed ServicesEmail: 245-8570
Andrew Adams, M.S.Adams, M.S.AndrewPh.D. Research Assistant / Program Associate, Climate ScienceEmail: 408-8602
Belle AlejandriaAlejandriaBelleEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Lauren AlexanderAlexanderLaurenEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Hannah BatesBatesHannahEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Braydon BattsBattsBraydonRetail Assistant, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Adam BerglundBerglundAdamTraining Instructor, Texas Stream TeamEmail: 245-1346
Alexis BetancourtBetancourtAlexisEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Harley BurkeBurkeHarleyEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Aspen CarrellCarrellAspenEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Landon CourtneyCourtneyLandonEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
CJ CranorCranorCJEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Olivia DavisDavisOliviaEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Chevy De la SernaDe la SernaChevyStudent Worker, Ecological Research GroupEmail:
Riana De LunaDe LunaRianaStudent Photography & Marketing Assistant, CommunicationsEmail:
Katie DensonDensonKatieTemporary Service Worker, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Katie DusekDusekKatieEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Theo EboseleEboseleTheoRetail Assistant, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
William EschenburgEschenburgWilliamConservation Crew Member, Ecological Research GroupEmail:
Faith FabianFabianFaithEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Emiyah FarmerFarmerEmiyahStudent Administrative Assistant, Business OfficeEmail:
Megan FlanneryFlanneryMeganStudent Research Assistant, Watershed ServicesEmail:
Alexandra Fleming-PatrickFleming-PatrickAlexandraEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Abril FloresFloresAbrilEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Homero FreixaFreixaHomeroEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Alicia GainesGainesAliciaEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Skylar GibbsGibbsSkylarEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Gissel GonzalezGonzalezGisselStudent Digital Creator Assistant, CommunicationsEmail:
Jay GrimoneGrimoneJayEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Sam HaleHaleSamEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Delaney HankinsHankinsDelaneyStudent GIS & Data Assistant, Watershed ServicesEmail:
Madi HarrisHarrisMadiStudent Administrative Assistant, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Taylor HarshbargerHarshbargerTaylorRetail Assistant, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Connor HavensHavensConnorEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Madison HillHillMadisonEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Alex HolmesHolmesAlexEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Gabriel IrvineIrvineGabrielEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Rachel KeeseKeeseRachelRetail & Administrative Assistant, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
David LowLowDavidEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Amelia MaddoxMaddoxAmeliaRestoration Technician, Ecological Research GroupEmail:
Claudia MartinezMartinezClaudiaStudent Administrative Assistant, Business OfficeEmail:
Abi MendozaMendozaAbiRetail Assistant, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Felix MenkeMenkeFelixStudent Administrative Assistant, Watershed ServicesEmail:
Madison MetevierMetevierMadisonEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Kensington MikulenkaMikulenkaKensingtonGrant Specialist, Ecological Research GroupEmail:
Madison MitchellMitchellMadisonStudent Research Assistant, Watershed ServicesEmail:
Luis Acosta MunozAcosta MunozLuisEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Joshua NevesNevesJoshuaTemporary Service Worker, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Bailey OusleyOusleyBaileyEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Abygail PantherPantherAbygailStudent Worker, Ecological Research GroupEmail: 245-3553
Aisata RadjabuRadjabuAisataData Entry and Research Assistant, Watershed ServicesEmail:
Sophia ReyesReyesSophiaEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Ca’Myah RobinsonRobinsonCa’MyahStudent Administrative Assistant, Watershed ServicesEmail:
Autumn RodgersRodgersAutumnEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Jatziri RodriguezRodriguezJatziriEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Carrie SheffieldSheffieldCarrieEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Hugo SifuentesSifuentesHugoConservation Crew Member, Ecological Research GroupEmail:
Khemani StevensStevensKhemaniEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Cassandra TamezTamezCassandraEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Neelam Thapa Magar, M.S.Thapa Magar, M.S.NeelamPh.D. Research Assistant, GroundwaterEmail:
Hunter TedfordTedfordHunterEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Aidan TiemannTiemannAidanEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Rebecca VillarrealVillarrealRebeccaEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Kylie WaddellWaddellKylieEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Norah WartenburgWartenburgNorahEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Tiffany WillrichWillrichTiffanyEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590
Sarah WrightWrightSarahEnvironmental Interpreter, Spring Lake Education(512) 245-7590