Professional Advancement of People of Color in Environmental Careers

Project Summary
The way in which people interact with the environment is rooted in their histories and in their lived experiences. The purpose of this study is to cultivate a deeper understanding of the barriers and opportunities that people of color experience in their environmental careers. It will shed light on the lived experiences of people of color that have demonstrated a commitment to working in the environment. The study is being led by Emily R. Warren, a doctoral student at Texas State University and Meadows Center Fellow.
Additional information: This project #7007 was approved by the Texas State Internal Review Board on January 22, 2020. Pertinent questions or concerns about the research, research participants' rights and/or research-related injuries to participants should be directed to the Internal Review Board Chair, Dr. Denise Gobert, at 512.245.8351 (, or to the Internal Review Board Regulatory Manager, Monica Gonzales, at 512.245.2334 (