Jacob's Well Groundwater Management Zone

Project Summary
The Meadows Center, in collaboration with the Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District (the District), conducted a study to evaluate a potential groundwater management zone to preserve flows to Jacob’s Well in the Wimberley Valley region.
Jacob’s Well, a karst spring originating in the Middle Trinity Aquifer, is the primary source of base flow to Cypress Creek, which flows through the towns of Woodcreek and Wimberley and into the Blanco River. Cypress Creek and Jacob's Well provide important ecological, hydrological, and economic benefits to Wimberley, Woodcreek, and the surrounding areas.
The report was completed by a scientific technical committee of groundwater scientists and a stakeholder advisory committee formed by the District. Our Interim Executive Director, Dr. Robert Mace, and Director of Watershed Services, Nick Dornak, served on the stakeholder advisory committee; Meadows Center Fellow, Doug Wierman, served on the scientific committee.
Ultimately, the report recommended two potential groundwater management zones, a Jacob's Well Groundwater Management Zone and a Regional Recharge Area Groundwater Management Zone, along with recommendations of management strategies that would ensure Jacob's Well continues to flow, even during drought or heavy usage conditions.
These findings led to the District’s adoption of Rule 15, which expands permitting requirements for non-exempt wells and added mandatory drought curtailments for all permit holders located within the Jacob's Well Groundwater Management Zone.
Project Resources
- Evaluation for the Development of a Jacob’s Well Groundwater Management Zone in Hays County, Texas - July 2019
- Facilitator’s Report: Jacob’s Well Spring Flow Stakeholder Task Force — Final Recommendations (Memorandum) - July 2019
- Meadows Center releases report for management, preservation of Jacob's Well (Texas State University Newsroom) - August 8, 2019
- Hays Trinity GCD announces Jacobs Well Spring Groundwater Management Zone (Hill Country Alliance blog) - March 25, 2020
Project Lead

Robert Mace, Ph.D., P.G.
Executive Director & Chief Water Policy Officer
Professor of Practice, Department of Geography
(512) 245-6021
Faculty Profile
This project was funded by Peter and Mary Faye Way and the Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District.