F.A.I.R. Water Data Initiative

Project Summary
Water Data Needs To Be FAIR!
Texans have immediate access to transportation and weather information but are unable to answer fundamental questions about water in a timely way. Access to timely water data is needed to address flooding, drought and water-management decisions.
Unfortunately, water information is complex and housed by a variety of public agencies with varying levels of data accessibility. With mobile devices, data mining, artificial intelligence and synergistic applications, there’s a real need for water data in Texas to be FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.
This project focused on developing a water data hub to make water data FAIRer in Texas, which resulted in an inventory of water data for Texas and the identification and development of use cases on surface water/groundwater interactions and a drought dashboard. It has also supported the advancement of a water data hub, with legislative support, built on a flood dashboard use case.
Project Resources
Project Lead

Rudolph Rosen, Ph.D.
Meadows Center Fellow & Director of the Institute for Water Resources Science and Technology - Texas A&M University in San Antonio
(512) 671-0054
This project is funded by the Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation.