Clean Coast Texas Collaborative

Project Summary
The Meadows Center and the Texas General Land Office are leading the Clean Coast Texas Collaborative, which will provide coastal communities with technical assistance on best practices to reduce nonpoint source pollution and incorporate stormwater management techniques.
As a primary component of the recently launched Clean Coast Texas initiative, the Collaborative encompasses a dynamic team of scientists, educators, engineers and communication professionals, who will work with communities throughout the Texas Coastal Zone to address stormwater management and water quality concerns. Partners in the collaborative include the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Services’ Texas Community Watershed Partners, the Texas Sea Grant College Program and Doucet & Associates.
The Clean Coast Texas Collaborative will deliver customized local workshops in four communities on topics related to sustainable stormwater management such as green infrastructure case studies, data driven community planning for resilience and determining optimal locations for small-scale green infrastructure projects like rain gardens. The Collaborative will also enhance efforts of the Meadows Center’s Texas Stream Team program to bring training opportunities, equity and access to citizen scientists of diverse education levels and backgrounds.
In conjunction with these workshops, the Clean Coast Texas Collaborative will engage with local officials to provide technical support for initiating community projects such as developing and refining local ordinances, the adoption of sustainable stormwater design manuals, building comprehensive plans specific to local demands including population and economic projects and creating conceptual designs to construct, or improve, green infrastructure.
These projects will showcase how Texas coastal communities can create tangible environmental benefits that can be easily translated to other coastal communities while supporting their local economies through the restoration of coastal natural resources, improved water quality, and mitigation of coastal erosion.
Data Acquisition and Quality Assurance
The Meadows Center will document and implement data quality objectives (DQOs) and quality assurance/control (QA/QC) activities that ensure data of known and acceptable quality are used in and generated by this project. Data acquired for this project will be used for planning, modeling and mapping activities undertaken to improve community decision makers’ abilities to identify sources of, as well as prevent and mitigate nonpoint source pollution from urbanization and development in the CZB.
Research and data findings will be disseminated to the scientific research community and coastal managers, ensuring the content is visible, accessible, and independently understandable to general users.
Community Workshops
AgriLife will conduct a series of education and outreach workshops with four coastal communities. The Collaborative will also conduct 4-6 workshops on sustainable stormwater management, 4 Texas Stream Team trainings, 4-6 Texas Stream Team partner events with focus on multicultural education for adults and/or youth and engage and support watershed-based groups/meetings/events with ISDs, counties, etc. on sustainable stormwater management.
Target Community Planning and Adoption of Texas Coastal NPS Program Priorities
After the workshops, the Collaborative partners will begin directed efforts to create a no-cost resolution in which the four selected communities pledge support. Focus will be on cities, counties, ISDs, NGOs and local media. The Collaborative partners will engage with three communities to consider/adopt ordinances supporting the Coastal Nonpoint Source Program Management Measures. The Collaborative will work directly with community leaders to draft the ordinances. The Collaborative partners will engage with 2-4 communities to develop comprehensive plans and prepare 10 community scale retrofits plans (schematic, cost, funding plans).
Project Resources
Project Lead

Christina Lopez, Ph.D.
Coastal Coordinator, Watershed Services
(512) 245-0955
This project is funded by the Texas General Land Office.