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Trainers Forms and Resources

Trainer Forms and Resources (Last updated 02.13.2025)

Resources for current and future Texas Stream Team Trainers. Feel free to click on the collapsible sections below to explore the resources for each training.


Attention Trainers!

When leading trainings, please be sure to do the following:

  1. Add the training to the online calendar. Refer to the Submitting Events to the Texas Stream Team Calendar for instructions.
  2. Send participants the Training Enrollment Form (TEF) [located below in Leading a Training > Pre-Training]. Be sure to send trainees the proper information for the training so they can complete the TEF (trainer name(s), date, and training type). TEFs go directly to Texas Stream Team for certification processing. If this form is not filled out by the trainee, they will not receive their certificate.
  3. Print and bring the Training Sign-In Sheet (located below in Leading a Training > Pre-Training) to your trainings. After the training, send the completed sign-in sheet to The sign-in sheet will be used by Texas Stream Team to verify individuals who attended the training and identify those who still need to submit a TEF.
  4. Print the corresponding Training Participant Packet (located below in Leading a Training > Select the training type). This packet includes Phase I-III monitoring forms and the field guide(s) that need to be printed for each participant. Trainees can keep these packets, Texas Stream Team does not need these.  

Trainer Resources